[HEDDYSBLOG.COM]~ In the last holiday, I camped in the forest with my friends. I asked the advice from the village chief before it. His age was about 70 years and sad that we must be careful, where the place was still eerie, they would not disturb us if we did everything in rule order.

In the afternoon we went around the forest, it was beautiful, the air was fresh, the song of the bird were heard, to let us live peacefully. Among of us, there was a crazy boy whose name was jack, who acted as if a cock of the walk. we had given advices him not to do that, but he did not obey and laughed : “ I do not believe to the ghost, evil it’ s only superstition, if all of you afraid, why do you camp in the forest not in the town ? “ he did proudly.

What happened in the midnight, while all of us sleeping. We got up all together to hear the sound of tiger. It was very surprised, as we know it was the sound of him. Of course we became panic. His eyes were frighten, his energy was so strong, no one could not stop his action even though we had help by the young people of that village.

Fortunately, the old man as the village chief come there and ask him directly : “ who are you ? why do you disturb us ? “, He said : “ I’m Embah Jamrong, I want to drink a pail of water, I will take this child, he has disturb our life. “

The old man did not answer at all, he only read the magic formula and saw him without blinking. And add happened, that he aware as usual, then the old man went home and said not to be crazy anymore.
From this occasion I still to my self, “ why only the old man who can drive the ghost ?
Hedi Writer, Blogger, Gamer and Data Analyst yang bekerja dengan hati untuk pemirsa dalam negeri

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